When God Gives You a Puppy: Thoughts on God’s Extravagant Provision


A Friendship Begins 🙂

I don’t think I’ll ever forget the way Kylie’s scream sounded as it echoed into the house the day our puppy, Max, was hit by that car.  That was the toughest of days for my family.

-Taking Max to the vet for x-rays and the subsequent bad news

-Gripping my little girls hand tight as she said her last goodbyes to her puppy

-Praising God in the storm…outside that animal hospital; resting in the truth that God inhabits the praises of His people and knowing that we SO needed to feel Him right then.

-Walking my little girl back into that same animal hospital 2 days later as she thanked the doctors that tried to save Max’s life

Life is Hard. God is Good.  But sometimes…God just SHOWS OFF!!!!

A few weeks after the tragedy we spent a good amount of time looking for a new dog.  We knew that Max can never be replaced but this family has a lot of love to share!  We had our minds set on adopting a rescue dog but have not had a peace about any dog we’ve seen….that is until Cindy & Kylie went to Redbox!

While Cindy and Kylie were renting a movie at a 7-11  a lady walked up and asked if that was her BMW.  Cindy said yes and the woman continued.  “Well, This may sound like a random question but would you be interested in having a puppy?”  The lady must have seen the dropped jaws of Cindy and Kylie so she explained the situation further.  The lady’s daughter had found the puppy a few days before.  They’d taken it to the vet to get it checked out but their other dog was not receptive at all to this new addition to their home!

Now if the story stopped there that would be enough…but No…Let me show you how big God is!!!  After the lady went to her car to get the puppy and handed her to Kylie she then proceeded to hand Cindy $100 to pay for the dog to be spayed and for her first shots!!!!!

I praise God for his Extravagant provision & grace upon our family.  He delights in proving Himself strong to those who rest in Him.  He delights in what delights us!  Simply put:  God is Good ALL the time!!!

About challengeyourfamily

I'm just a family guy with an amazing wife & 6 kids. I love to observe, think & ask questions. I love writing, enjoy the process, crave the finished product but ALWAYS put it off. My wife & I work our business full-time with one another from home and help people experience physical & financial transformations. This Blog is designed to help me sort through life. I hope it's helpful to you, as well.

Posted on September 2, 2013, in Faith, Family, Fatherhood, Life, Parenting, Random and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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